====== IHRS BioSoft GSP: Registration Form ====== Applicants must first register and subsequently submit their application documents by email. The recommender that we ask you to specify in the form should be your BSc advisor, your MSc advisor, or a university professor that supports your application by sending us a letter of recommendation. //By completing the registration form, you will automatically and immediately send a request for a letter of recommendation to support your application--with you in cc. Please make sure that you receive this email. If you do not, your registration has not been successful. //
action mail "@@Email of Recommender@@, @@Email Address@@, gsp_biosoft@fz-juelich.de" usemailtemplate group:gsp_sel:emailtemplate subject "Letter of recommendation for @@First Name(s)@@ @@Last Name(s)@@" Thanks "Thank you for registering for the IHRS BioSoft GSP 2023." fieldset "IHRS BioSoft GSP 2023" hiddenautoinc "Registration Number 2023" "=1" textbox "First Name(s)" textbox "Last Name(s)" email "Email Address" textbox "Name of Recommender" textbox "Email of Recommender" number "Please enter the number 42." >41 <43 submit "Register for the IHRS BioSoft GSP 2023"